In the beginning it can be really difficult to keep going, to work 24/7 takes a special kind of person. So what is your WHY? Because it needs to be powerful to keep you up working through the night, getting up early, sacrificing small comforts and grinding day in and day out. Here are my top 3 ways to keep that you can use to keep yourself focused and give yourself the power to push forward when times get tough.
1. Find Your Why: Why are you doing this? Why are you working so hard? What is the point? And don't give me some half a**ed answer like "I want to be rich" because that will only motivate you so far. Ask yourself why do I want to be wealthy? Is it to provide a safe and healthy life for your children? So you can set them up for success? To be able to care for a parent without having to worry? Is it so you can spend more of your time doing the hobbies that you love? Ask yourself what the real reason is, because this reason is your true power. Once you have narrowed down the reason, the one that lights up your insides like jet fuel, write it up on a wall or a board, something you can look at whenever you feel "tired" or like you just "need a break". Trust me after looking up at it, you will be able to push through those feelings like someone added gasoline to your fire.
2. Put up a Collage of Photographs: At your desk or in your workspace put up photos of all the people that keep you going. For good reasons or for bad. Photos of family members, friends and even of your competitors & enemies. This gives you that extra boost you need to work longer and harder than the others in your field and constantly reminds you of your WHY.
3. Set High but REALISTIC Goals: Yes of course we all want to dream that we will get the golden ticket and our product will just happen to be the one that goes viral and hey, maybe it will, but we are here because come hell or high water we are willing to do what it takes to build our companies brick by brick. Being successful is not easy and having the time management, work ethic, self awareness and self-discipline to build it from nothing is a whole other realm of hard work. Though we can DREAM of one day having a billion dollar company, if we set this as a 5 year goal it will be impossible to meet and instead of motivating us and keeping us positive it will drag us down and make us feel like we are failing when we are NOT. So, set high but achievable goals. For example, my goal is to blog every day from Mon-Fri to offer you wonderful people all the tips and tricks that I can. This is a challenge for me, and some days I really don't want to do it but my WHY keeps me going. Another goal I have is to bring in 150% more revenue this summer than last summer, again this is very achievable but it will cause me to push forward and reach farther this year.
I hope this helps to give you just a few quick ideas you can implement right away to push you to the next phase of success and keep you propelled forward through the rest of your journey.
Like always if you have made it this far in the post please leave me some thoughts in the comments!
Lots of Love,
Karleigh Jennifer
The Biggest Wick Candle Co. & Million Dollar Moms